Ask Lovecraft’s Leeman Kessler joines Sean & Charles to chat about Fritz Lang’s M & Bill Paxton’s Frailty. Somehow, tangents include The Mighty Ducks, Laura Dern, & White Wolf’s World of Darkness.
Eyes Gone Wrong Kevin MacLeod (
Show Notes:
The Rants Macabre – Episode 12 – Miskatonic Musings
Spooky Sean’s Podcastery… From the Nether Regions – Two Gross Stories
RESONATOR: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond
Miskatonic Musings – Editorial: Statuegate 2014
Dinner for Fiends
Ask Lovecraft
The sexy hockey movie you refer to is “Youngblood”! And it is indeed sexy as hell, in an outdated 80s sort of way.
Shit, yeah, that looks just as amazing as described. Adding it to my Netflix queue now.